Lists are expanding daily, thank you for sharing what you Love and don't Love about tequila! These are tips from the occasional tequila drinker, the avid tequila fan, the tequila connoisseur... and you! These are tips that can help people who want to expand their knowledge and appreciation for tequila, in a positive way and stay clear of the negativity and haters who complain about tequila brands constantly, email us we do not post names, brand names, distillery names...
Tequila is sacred, it's art, it's been around for generations and we need to respect all tequila brands for what they have done to get to where they are. If a brand is doing something wrong, or making a sub par tequila there is a lot of competition they may not survive, save the negativity at least they tried. Chemical-Free, Additive-Free, Gluten-Free... please remember not everyone can afford making or drinking Certified Organic tequila 24/7 drink what you want to drink. Nothing about making tequila is easy, it is blood, sweat and tears in every bottle and we all need to focus on how this pure agave plant can transform into delicious tequila. Quality, image, marketing, celebrity endorsements... the bottom line is drink what you like, what you can afford and appreciate all the hard work from many people who made your favorite tequila brand possible.

What We/You Love About Tequila

This list is not in any order and is expanding thanks to you sending what you like about tequila.

AZ "There are many brands and they all are different, tasting many different brads will help you find out which brands you like and why, keep tasting"
NY "Appreciate the hard work behind each brand, less than half of all brands are profitable, understand the passion, hard work and finances that are put into each brand"
TX "Share everything you know about tequila and what brands you like an why, education is key"
AZ "Purchase what you like, if you ask someone their opinion they will give it to you. Your taste buds are different from others drink what you like"
TX "Influencers don't buy tequila, it's easy to recommend brands that pay you money to do so, the best tequila is the one that tastes best to You, taste different tequila brans often"
KY "We all love transparency do not tell me there are additives/chemicals in tequila tell me what specific additives/chemicals are in what tequila. I know a tequila that is not Certified Organic uses chemicals in the agave growing process. But what chemicals are used? We all would like more transparency for all brands, rum, gin..."
NY "Let us know if a brands has what people are truly talking about Glycerin for a smooth mouthfeel, Oak Extract, sugar... for flavor, sugar, agave syrup... to add sweetness. Yes we all want to see a lab report and know what specific product is being added, not an influencers opinion"
TX "You love tequila and you want it to be around for many generations, then buy sustainable/Certified Organic brands that do not use any harsh chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers... on the soil/agave it stays in the soil and gets into the water systems"
CA "Look for brands that use sustainable practices there are many distilleries doing many things to lower their carbon footprint and protect the environment"
CA "Do use the caballito glass, it's a simple tall shot glass used everywhere in Mexico for drinking tequila. Use a rocks glass, tall glass, use what you like. If you want to get fancy glass that makes you happy that works for you"
TX "Drink tequila the way it tastes good to you, mix it with whatever you like you truly may be creating the next popular cocktail like the Paloma, Ranch Water...""
NJ "Fresh organic ingredients taste better sure, a margarita with limes that are not organic is better than no margarita"
FL "Understand the agave takes almost a decade to grow, appreciate every sip of tequila you drink, even the mixto's have many years invested"
TX "Agave is hand harvested by a Jimador with a tool called a Coa, it is hard work especially in the hot summer. These people deserve more credit they make tequila possible, one of the most difficult jobs"
MX "Up to 40% of a bottle of tequila could be water added to get tequila down to 80 proof. Every tequila brand uses the best water possible. Different water is used, rain, deep well, river, municipal - all water contains additives even the purest water from the French alps has natural additives from melted snow, natural electrolytes, minerals..."
CA "Most barrels are second use from American bourbon companies as they by law are only allowed to use brand new oak barrels, they are not allwoed to reuse barrels so they sell them to tequila distilleries"
KY "The more tequila is aged in bourbon barrels the more delicious added flavors are present in the tequila"
TN "Support brands that give back, many brands are supporting infrastructure, funding education, planting trees... like the brands that give back as more will follow suit"

What We/You Don't Love About Tequila

This list is not in any order and is expanding thanks to you sending what you don't Love about tequila.

AZ "I don't like when anyone bashes tequila brands, you may have all the money in the world, exquisite taste, an amazing pallet, can afford any brand on the market, but some of us can't"
TX "I don't like influencers telling me what brand I have to like, there are 100's of great tequila brands and they all are different"
CA "Influencers push only American tequila brands, can they push Mexican owned brands, or do they only push brands they are making money from"
CA "Let me find out what I like, tasting many different brads will help you find out which brands you like and why, I don't need influencers help"
FL "Experts,Don't take someone else's word even if they claim to be an "expert" they are getting paid for their opinion, everyone has different tastes drink what tastes good to you"
CA "Don't preach purist/additive free and then order a Batanga cocktail do you know what additives are in cola?"
AZ "Don't tell people they are drinking tequila the wrong way, let everyone enjoy it their own way. Now my Sangrita has additives?"
TX "100% Certified Organic Agave, Unaged Blanco tequila, that does not add yeast to fermentation (use all natural open air fermentation) and is distilled to proof not adding water. Yes could be considered additive free, but if you add chemicals during the agave crop, any water, any yeast, or age it in any barrel you are adding additives natural or not you are adding additives. It is no longer 100% Agave Tequila!"
CA "Don't say there are no additives in tequila. 100% Agave tequila has water added that contains both natural mineral additives and chemicals, yeast is added to many but not all tequila brands (it adds aroma and taste), barrels first and second use barrels have additives from the wood, the bourbon or whatever was used prior to aging the tequila"
TX "Additives/Chemicals - Don't trust your expert friend, taste it for yourself. What people are truly talking about is Glycerin for a smooth mouthfeel, Oak Extract, sugar... for flavor, sugar, agave syrup... to add sweetness. Yes we all want to see a lab report and know what specific product is being added. Additive free is impossible, natural additives are in the terror"
MX "Don't like Americans trying to tell Mexicans how to make tequila, support Mexican owned tequila brands"
FL "Don't believe anything unless you see a lab test, I know there are lab tests being done, post them on websites of the brands. The only way this will work is with lab tests posted on each brands website. Not by someone visiting a distillery once or twice, or even 50 times a year checking"
NY "Aged tequilas would not qualify as they have additives from the barrel that they are aged in"
TX "Blanco tequilas would qualify but they would need to use the all natureal open air fermentation process as yeast is an additive"
TX "I noticed a t-shirt, Go back to CancĂșn don't ruin Jalisco, well said"
CA "Don't be an Ugly American who knows everything about tequila from the internet. Listen to others who read and don't learn everything from Americans on social media and you will learn what tequila is all about"
TX "Don't grab the Coa from a Jimador and take pictures of yourself harvesting agave. It is an insult, they use that tool 10-12 hours a day over 300 days a year. I have seen tourists hit a rock as they get their insta pic and laugh as it is returned damaged. You will never make it in the agave fields even for one day in the summer, take a picture of them- give them the credit they deserve"
CA "Don't ruin distillery visits for other Americans, ask permission to take photos, tip the people you take pictures of especially if you are puting them on your social media and making money off their likeness"
NY "Don't act like you are working in the distillery for a photo for instagram fame. Respect the people who are working hard to get this tequila to the market, spending 10-12 hours a day labeling bottles, or 12 hrs a day in the hot summer months next to the hot horno..."
TX "Understand the agave takes almost a decade to grow, so every sip of tequila you drink even the mixto's have many years invested, appreciate them for what they are"
CA "Don't think water is additive-free, additives in water, even the water from the French alps talks about the additives in their water from the melted snow, soil... minerals, electrolytes..."
MI "Don't think their are not chemicals in the water, forever chemicals in 99% of rainwater and chemicals used in the fields run off into the water systems. We should push for more Certified Organic brands to preserve the soil"
CA "Yeast is an additive, some tequila brands use EC-1118 it is a champagne yeast it is harsh and will mellow yet still leave strong notes of green apple and other flavors"
CA "Lalvin EC 1118 yeast also has lemon and vegetative nuances, strange how these flavors come through in the tequila"
TX "Yeast has strong aroma and taste, not sure how you can have an additive-free tequila that uses yeast"
NY "Don't think yeast is an additive? In every other spirit, and in the making of wine and beer it is considered an additive"
AZ "Don't think yeast adds aroma or taste to tequila. Next time you are at a distillery ask them if they use yeast and ask what kind bread yeast, Champagne yeast... taste it, you can taste nut, bitter, chalk... flavors that you will taste in the tequila you claim is additive-free"
TX "Don't think all tequilas use yeast, all natural open air fermentation is used in many distilleries there are still natural additives from the surounding terrior"
TX "Don't like tequila, you may be allergic to yeast, try a brand that uses open air fermentation"
KY "Don't think first use barrels do not have additives, wood imparts flavor, aroma and color. Aged tequila can not be additive free, it goes in and out of the wood of the barrel"
NY "Don't think Second use barrels from American whiskey makers, wineries... have additives. Yes they do they add everything the wood barrel adds plus all the flavors of whatever was in the barrel previously"
OK "Don't think it's possible to check every barrel prior to filling. If anyone wanted to add something to the tequila they would season the barrel with that ingredient prior to filling the barrel"
CA "This is a Love not a don't Love, start a brand it doesn't have to be tequila brand. Karma is a b!%ch put all your time, life savings and family on the back burner as you put everything you have into a brand. You will soon be introduced to a group of people who have platforms on the internet or social media who profit from bashing brands. Let's all focus on what we like about tequila and help make the industry stronger, keep your negativity to yourself"

EMAIL US WHAT YOU LOVE/DON'T LOVE YOUR COMMENT MAY HELP OTHER TEQUILA LOVERSWe would like to expand both lists (no names, brand names, distillery names...will be posted). These are tips that can help people who Love tequila and want to expand their tequila knowledge. Help us all grow appreciation for all tequila brands and the hard working Mexican people who make them possible. We would like to bring positive attention to the amazing, sacred, authentic world of tequila!